
  1. Updates to notifications 📣


    Our notifications have been a bit confused lately - especially the counter on your app icon. Sorry about that. Our bad. We've fixed the bug for now, but have decided to take a closer look at notifications in the coming months. There's room for improvement, and we'll make it happen.


    Røde tal for ulæste beskeder

    Det ville være dejligt hvis det røde tal på Heynabo ( app billedet) forsvandt når man har læst en besked. Som det er nu skal man åbne alle kommentarer til en besked før det forsvinder - også selv om man har haft selve beskeden åben og set kommentarerne. Tallet forsvinder først når man har trykket på kommentaren Hilsen Niels ( Egebakken)

    Niels Schjoldan H



  2. Maintenance Tickets Just Got Granular

    New Feature

    Here's a significant enhancement to our Maintenance Center – making it easier and more efficient for tenants to report and resolve issues in their homes, and in public spaces.


    🔧 Improved Maintenance Center: Now, reporting issues is not just seamless, but incredibly precise. Our upgraded support ticket system allows you to specify the exact location and category of the problem, offering a higher level of granularity.


    🏡 Precise Location Details: You can now pinpoint the issue, whether it's the kitchen, living room, or bedroom. This means quicker response times and faster resolutions as admins can instantly identify the problem area.


    🔄 Nested Categories: Dive deeper into the specifics! Is it a broken window, defective heating, or an issue with the fridge? Our nested categories allow you to provide detailed information, ensuring that your concern reaches the right experts promptly.


    📊 Enhanced Statistics and Predictions: Not only does this benefit you in real-time issue resolution, but it also empowers you to gather better data. Improved statistics and predictions will help us anticipate and address common issues more effectively in the future.


    To start using Precise Location in Maintenance Tickets, you must have admin rights. Go to Manager > Maintenance > Settings.

    Frame 6


  3. Build 3.4.0. House keeping

    Release Notes

    Here's a quick update to ensure that our code is clean, quick, and generally up to today's awesomeness. This means updated to capacitor


    And if you missed it, be sure to check out some of the new features we added since last update:

    🌀 Year Wheel: Plan your community's year

    🚨 Emergency contacts

    🏘️ House Groups

    🗂️ Sub folders

    🔖 Flex-time bookings (still in Beta) 



  4. Folders in 📁 folders in folders in 📂 folders in folders in folders in folders...


    This one had us fighting like cats and dogs. Martin REALLY didn't like the idea of more levels in your file libraries. But users kept asking for it. So here it is.


    Mappe i mappe, og en måde at ændre rækkefølgen af mapper

    Det er en mangel, at man ikke kan oprette en mappe i en mappe, f.eks. foto mappe hvor der kan komme rigtigt mange fotos, det vil være smart hvis man kunne oprette en mappe f.eks. Sommerfest eller lignende i foto mappen. I dag er det ikke muligt at sortere mapper, de ligger i den rækkefølge de bliver lavet, det ville være rart med en sorterings funktion. Håber ovenstående er til at forstå. Mvh Christian Kierulff

    Christian K




  5. Improved Community Section for Admins


    We just made the admin section a little bit better. From now on the Community section will give you a better overview of where your attention is needed.

    And we also added a bit of statistics so you can see how your community is growing, and who are the movers and shakers.



  6. Build 3.3.0: Magic links

    Release Notes

    We've released a lot of improvements lately, but the most important one will likely go completely unnoticed: We've added magic links to our log-in flow, so new users don't need to enter their Place-ID, e-mail, and password. Just click the button and start neighbouring.



    If you missed any of the other updates we've added lately, here's a short list:

    • Improved design: Profile pages
    • Welcome messages to new users
    • House Groups
    • Improved design: Comment threads
    • QR codes on invitations, bookings, and events


    Enjoy your neighbouring!


  7. Boliggrupper: Opret jeres opgange, huse, eller klynger

    New Feature
    Release Notes

    De fleste fællesskaber har nogle helt naturlige grupper som er baseret på hvor vi bor. Mange af jer har også efterspurgt muligheden for at kunne oprette klynger, opgange eller huse. Derfor har vi lavet Boliggrupper.

    Her kan du oprette grupper som automatisk tilføjer alle beboere på de adresser vælger. På den måde skal nye naboer ikke melde sig ind, og kan automatisk få besked om opdateringer der vedrører dem.

    En boliggruppe indeholder en opslagstavle til kommunikation og en kalender så du f.eks. kan synliggøre hvornår der er rengøring, vedligeholdelse, eller andre aktiviteter som er relevante for beboerne i den konkrete gruppe.

    Boliggrupper kan oprettes af administrator, under: Manager > Foreningen > Boliggrupper

    Group 1391


  8. Improved Comment Threads


    We just released an improved design for comments:

    • Cleaner design for more clarity.
    • Unlimited amount of nested replies... So now you can reply to anything.
    • Better way to reply to single comments or questions.


  9. QR Codes Part II: Event Invitations

    New Feature

    We just added a better way to call attention to your community events. The app is cool and all, sure, but sometimes you need to get information out there in a more analog way. That's why we're adding a PDF poster for your events. Download it from the event page, hang it on your bulletin boards, or pop it in your neighbour's mailbox (on recycled paper, please).



  10. Build 3.0.10

    Release Notes


    🔗 Better e-mail links: If you've asked for e-mail notifications, we now link to their source in the app. This also works if you are in multiple communities.

    📟 QR Codes: We're adding QR codes to a bunch of sections in the app. Currently we're testing Posters and Flyers in selected communities, but there's more to come soon.



    🚨 Important Messages: If you are using Important Messages (part of Maintenance Center), we've improved the design. And in the future, Important Messages that have been accepted will still be seen on the bulletin board as a mini post.

